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GENG Jieting

Job title: Tenure Track Assistant Professor
Department: Department of Food Science and Technology
Degree: Doctor (Marine Science)
Major: 海洋科学

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Life Science / Food sciences  / 水産品の利用・加工・貯蔵、水産食品の品質評価・改良、メイラード反応、魚肉タンパク質、水産発酵食品、魚醤油、練り製品、鮮度、たまごの加工・利用技術、酵素

  • Life Science / Aquatic life science  / 水産品の利用・加工・貯蔵、水産食品の品質評価・改良、メイラード反応、魚肉タンパク質、水産発酵食品、魚醤油、練り製品、鮮度、たまごの加工・利用技術、酵素


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Mechanism study of the gel-forming ability of heat-induced gel from Peruvian hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus) surimi

    Shi, Y-F., Geng, J-T., Yoshida, Y., Jiang, J-Y., Osako, K. , 2023.07

    Food Chemistry

  • Characterization of the antioxidant and angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory activities of lizardfish Saurida wanieso viscera sauce and their correlation with the amino acid profiles

    Zhong, C., Geng, J-T., Okazaki, E., Osako, K. , 2022.10

    Fisheries Science

  • Identifying volatile compounds in rabbit fish (Siganus fuscescens) tissues and their enzymatic generation

    Asada Jiarpinijnun, Jie-Ting Geng, Nonthacha Thanathornvarakul, Sumate Keratimanoch, Nail Üçyol, Emiko Okazaki & Kazufumi Osako , 2022.02

    European Food Research and Technology

  • The influence of processing sequence and frozen storage on the seasoned alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) roe product quality

    Chaoping Chen, Jie-Ting Geng, Nonthacha Thanathornvarakul, Sumate Keratimanoch, Nail Üçyol, Emiko Okazaki, Kazufumi Osako , 2021.11

    Food Chemistry

  • Multilayer gelatin/myofibrillar films containing clove essential oil: Properties, protein-phenolic interactions, and migration of active compounds

    JinyongJiang, P.S.M.S.L.Watowita, Ronghao Chen, Yafang Shi, Jie-Ting Geng, Kigen Takahashi, Li Li, Kazufumi Osako , 2022.03

    Food Packaging and Shelf Life

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Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display

  • Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)

    Freshman Seminar

  • Chemistry: Fundamental Experiments

  • Introduction to Japanese Fisheries

  • Methods of self-expression

  • Laboratory Technique in Food Engineering

  • Exercises in Food Engineering Ⅱ

  • Training in Food Science and Technology

  • Introductry Labs for Food Science and Technology

  • Food Preservation

  • Lesson Subject(Graduate School)

    Seafood Processing and Materials