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Job title: Professor
Department: Health Service Center
Degree: Doctor
Major: 医学


Researcher ID OACIS著者情報


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Association between residential status and the University Personality Inventory test among first-year university students

    Tomoko Takahashi,Rieko Komuro,Naoko Fukuda , 2024.12


  • UPI(University Personality Inventory)面談学生の事例紹介

    高橋 友子 , 小室 理恵子 , 善積 知子 , 河崎 美穂 , 福田 直子 , 2024.06


  • 2018~2023年における新入生のUPI各尺度の傾向

    高橋友子,小室理恵子,福田直子 , 2024.03


  • Examining the Influence of Shipboard Training and Workplace Immunization on the Vaccination Behavior of University Students Immunized with a COVID-19 Vaccine

    Naoko Fukuda, Tomoko Takahashi, Rieko Komuro , 2023.08


  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症のワクチン接種歴に関する調査

    高橋友子、小室理恵子、福田直子 , 2023.03


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Books 【 display / non-display

  • 新全科 家庭の医学

    橋本直明編 福田直子 他 , 2004.02

    社会保険出版社 , 医学用語の解説 , 1495-1496

  • Annual Review腎臓1994、

    福田直子、田中弘之、清野佳紀 , 1994.01

    中外医学社 , 副甲状腺・骨細胞とビタミンD3 , 230-235

  • 透析患者の骨病変、

    黒川清、福田直子 , 1993.01

    日本メディカルセンター , 腎とCa、Piの代謝 , 27-34

  • 透析患者の骨病変、

    黒川清、福田直子 , 1993.01

    日本メディカルセンター , 腎不全のCa代謝異常の発生機序 , 35-46

  • 透析患者の骨病変、

    深川雅史、易虹、福田直子、黒川清 , 1993.01

    日本メディカルセンター , 慢性腎不全における二次性副甲状腺機能亢進症発症機序に関する一 考察 , 47-58

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

  • The construction of a remote health management system for ships

    Project Period (FY): 2017/06  -  2020/03  Investigator(s): Fukuda Naoko

    Grant-in-Aid for challenging Research (Exploratory)  Principal Investigator  17K19798 

    As the Japanese seafarers are aging, the prevention of lifestyle diseases has become an important issue, but it is difficult to improve their lifestyle with the many restrictions of life on board.In this study, we have developed a remote health management system for monitoring the health of seafarers on board an ocean-going vessel by satellite communication and tested it on an ocean-going vessel for 1.5 to 2 months.The system has been improved by allowing crew members to complete operations on the ship's onboard server without connecting to the onshore server, simplifying operations and enhancing the ability to create personal reports that summarize the health information during the voyage.The monitoring of seafarers' health information on board ocean-going vessels is achieved, and it is suggested that this system could be used to monitor seafarers' health status and provide health guidance.

  • 内航商船の船上健康管理に関する研究

    Project Period (FY): 2012/04  -  2014/03 

    Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research  Principal Investigator  24650420 


Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display

  • Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)


  • 船舶医学

  • Lesson Subject(Graduate School)

    Health Care and Marine