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Job title: Professor
Department: Department of Logistics and Information Engineering
Degree: Doctor(Engineering)
Major: 工学

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Others / Others

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Social systems engineering


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Study on the Introduction and Actual Utilization of Digital Devices  in Trucking Business

    Shikato KAMIMURA, Yoshio DOI, Hisayuki KUROKAWA and Seiichi KUBOTA , 2024.06

    Journal of Japan Logistics Society

  • Quantitative Text Analyses of the Comprehensive Physical Distribution Policy Guidelines ~ Changes in Policy Themes and Relations with the Newest Policy ~

    Tomomi TSUCHIYA and Hisayuki KUROKAWA , 2024.06

    Journal of Japan Logistics Society

  • トラックドライバー不足に戦略的な対応を行うための政策シミュレーションの試み

    土屋 知省・黒川 久幸 , 2023.06


  • トラック運送事業におけるデジタル化に対する意識の現状に関する研究

    土井 義夫・上村 聖・黒川 久幸・久保田 精一 , 2023.06

    Journal of Japan Logistics Society

  • トラック輸送におけるパレット化がCO2排出量に及ぼす影響に関する研究

    谷田 渓・黒川 久幸 , 2023.06


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Books 【 display / non-display

  • 月刊「Newsがわかる」特別編 物流がわかる

    黒川久幸(監修・協力)市原淳子(構成・編集・執筆) , 2024.03


  • 戦略的SCM 新しい日本型グローバルサプライチェーンマネジメントに向けて

    黒川久幸 , 2015.10

    日科技連出版社 , 第5章需要予測と需給マネジメント , 57-70

  • アジアにおける海上輸送と中韓台の港湾

    池上寛 , 2014.09

    アジア経済研究所 , 0-0

  • 変貌するアジアの交通・物流-シームレスアジアをめざして-

    黒田勝彦;家田仁;山根隆行 , 2010.04

    技報堂出版株式会社 , 第2章アジア物流を支える国際海上輸送  2.1 増大するコンテナ国際輸送 , 0-0

  • 国際海上コンテナ輸送概論

    今井昭夫 , 2009.09

    東海大学出版会 , 0-0

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

  • A Study on Structural Transformation by Digitization to Achieve Dramatic Productivity Improvement of Logistics

    Project Period (FY): 2022/04  -  2025/03  Investigator(s): 黒川久幸

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)  Principal Investigator  22K01744 

  • A Study on Systematization of Factors for Productivity Improvement of Trucking Companies

    Project Period (FY): 2019/04  -  2022/03  Investigator(s): KUROKAWA Hisayuki

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)  Principal Investigator  19K01959 

    In Japan, where the working-age population is declining, improving labor productivity is indispensable for sustainable economic growth. Therefore, it is necessary to improve productivity in the trucking industry, which accounts for 90% of the domestic freight transport tonnage.
    Therefore, in this study, we grasped the factors that affect the productivity of the trucking industry from the questionnaire survey. Then, from the survey results, it was clarified the measures that trucking companies should take to improve productivity.

  • A Study on Grasp and Systematization of KPI for improvement of logistics services and corporate productivity

    Project Period (FY): 2016/04  -  2019/03  Investigator(s): Kurokawa Hisayuki

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)  Principal Investigator  16K03928 

    In Japan, where the working-age population is decreasing, improvement of productivity is an urgent issue in order to raise the economic growth rate. However, the labor productivity of the logistics industry is a low level, and measures to improve the productivity are needed.
    Therefore, in this study, we examined factors affecting productivity and profitability for truck transport and picking operations in the delivery center.
    And we clarified the way of cooperation between the trucking company and the shipper company and the factor to improve the productivity of the workers.

  • 震災時等災害時物流お「見える化」に関する研究

    Project Period (FY): 2012/04  -  2015/03 

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)  Co-Investigator  24510185 

  • サプライチェーンから見た国際海運のGHG削減に関する研究

    Project Period (FY): 2010/04  -  2013/03 

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)  Principal Investigator  22560789 

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Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display

  • Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)


  • 作業管理工学

  • 卒業研究

  • 流通情報工学ゼミナールⅡ

  • 流通情報工学実験

  • 物流管理工学

  • Lesson Subject(Graduate School)

    Advanced Research in Logistics Engineering

  • Principles of Logistics

  • Future Business Model in Food Supply Chain

  • Special Seminar in Logistics System Engineering

  • Research in Logistics System Engineering

  • Logistics Design

  • Research on Safety Management in Food Supply Chain