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JIBIKI Tastuhiro
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Frontier Technology (Aerospace Engineering, Marine and Maritime Engineering) / Marine engineering
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Simultaneous measurement of corrosion and wear resistance of stainless steel modified by frictional reforming with aluminum oxide carrier particles under fretting conditions in seawater
K.Kinoshita, T.Fujino, T.Jibiki, K.Takahashi , 2023.08
Mechanical Engineering Journal
Design guidelines of surface texturing to improve lubrication characteristics under reciprocating motion
T.Matsumura, T.Fujino, T.Jibiki, K.Iwamoto, M.Oda , 2023.08
Mechanical Engineering Journal
Simultaneous measurement of corrosion and wear resistance characteristics in stainless steel modified by frictional reforming under fretting condition in seawater
K.Kinoshita, T.Fujino, T.Jibiki, K.Takahashi , 2022.11
Proceedings of JSME International Conference on Materials and Processing 2022
Design guidelines of surface texturing to improve the lubrication characteristics under reciprocating motion
T.Matsumura, T.Fujino, T.Jibiki, K.Iwamoto, Masaki Oda , 2022.11
Proceedings of JSME International Conference on Materials and Processing 2022
Friction Reducing Effect of and Design Guidelines for Groove Shaped Surface Texturing under Reciprocating Lubrication
Matsumura Tetsuta, Fujino Toshikazu, Jibiki Tatsuhiro, Iwamoto Katsumi, Oda Masaki , 2022.09
Marine Engineering
Books 【 display / non-display 】
志摩 政幸、地引 達弘 , 2016.01
海文堂出版 , 0-0
地引達弘,志摩政幸 他5名 , 2013.09
講談社 , 第3章 摩擦 , 32-45
地引達弘、他38名 , 2007.01
日本トライボロジー学会編,養賢堂 , 第3章 摩擦・摩耗試験における測定方法:-試験によって何を知りたいか- 3.8 接触電気抵抗の測定 , 226-238
Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display 】
Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)
Lesson Subject(Graduate School)
Advanced Tribology
Experiments on Applied Mechanics for Machinery