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Job title: Associate Professor
Department: Department of Marine Electronics and Mechanical Engineering
Degree: Doctor
Major: 工学

Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • 制御理論

  • 制御工学

  • 制御理論

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Control and system engineering


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Optimal Scheduling of Storage Batteries and Power Generators Based on Interval Prediction of Photovoltaics -- Monotonicity Analysis for State of Charge --

    Masakazu Koike, Takayuki Ishizaki, Nacim Ramdani, Jun-ichi Imura , 2020.01

    IEEE Control Systems Letters


  • Optimal Scheduling of Storage Batteries and Thermal Power Plants for Supply-Demand Balance

    Masakazu Koike, Takayuki Ishizaki, Nacim Ramdani, Jun-ichi Imura , 2018.08

    Control Engineering Practice


  • Monotonicity analysis of Optimal Resource Operation Planning Considering Power Network Structure

    Yuga Kojima, Masakazu Koike , 2024.08

    roc. of SICE Annual Conference 2024

  • Simulation development and control method study for energy saving operation of ships

    Yo Abe, Masakazu Koike , 2024.08

    Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2024

  • FF control method of pneumatic vibration isolation table by disturbance identification using time and acceleration information

    Koki Ikeda, Masakazu Koike, Feifei Zhang, Junichiro Tahara , 2023.09

    Proc. of SICE Annual Conference 2023

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • 次世代電力システム設計論 再生可能エネルギーを活かす予測と制御の調和

    井村順一, 原辰次, 東俊一, 石崎孝幸, 井上正樹, 小池雅和, 他28名 , 2019.11

    株式会社オーム社 , P135-142

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

  • 離散値制御の課題解決による実用的な機械制御方法の確立

    Project Period (FY): 2021/04  -  2025/03  Investigator(s): 千田 有一

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)  Co-Investigator  23K20945 

  • Development of monotonicity analysis method for optimal resource operation

    Project Period (FY): 2020/04  -  2023/03  Investigator(s): KOIKE Masakazu

    Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists  Principal Investigator  20K14711 

    In this research, we focus on the problem of obtaining an optimal operation plan for the supplier's resources (thermal power plant and storage battery), while appropriately considering the uncertainty of photovoltaic power generation (PV). The feature is that the forecast of PV and demand is given as a confidence interval (width). There are an infinite number of optimal operating plan profiles corresponding to an infinite number of profiles within the confidence interval. In order to strictly determine the possible area (width) of the operation plan, the solution must possess the monotonicity. In this research, we verified whether monotonicity holds in various problem settings.

  • Development of soft robot for the deep sea - using non-linear control for the artificial muscles -

    Project Period (FY): 2018/04  -  2021/03  Investigator(s): Tahara Junichiro

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)  Co-Investigator  18K04577 

    We conducted research on the control of artificial muscles using nonlinear synchronization. Various methods have been proposed to control artificial muscles because they are simple in structure and can easily hold soft objects. However, control is highly nonlinear and problematic. However, if it can be realized, it is expected to be applied to marine equipment and marine robots. Therefore, we propose a method of creating several types of artificial muscles and realizing periodic motion using nonlinear synchronization. This time, the Van del Pol method was used for nonlinear synchronization. We investigated the method of synchronizing the muscles with each method. The method using air cylinders was able to synchronize the muscles without any problem. On the other hand, the artificial muscle method has not been realized due to sensor problems. The research is still ongoing.

  • Development of water transportation method using fluid vibration control

    Project Period (FY): 2016/04  -  2019/03  Investigator(s): KOIKE Masakazu

    Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B)  Principal Investigator  16K18318 

    In this research, in order to develop a novel method of ocean transport using fluid vibration, we worked on basic research using global and local vibration, and development of a vibration generation method using air pressure.As a result, scope of application of the conventional relational expression between the number of sets and frequency was clarified more. Using the local vibration with the buoy-type vibration generator, we succeeded in positioning and transferring the particles in the water tank. Furthermore, we clarified the material of easy-to-convey particles. In addition, as a suitable control method of the buoy type vibration generator, we proposed a switching method using feedback and feedforward. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by some experimental results using an experimental setup.


Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display

  • Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)


  • 制御工学Ⅱ

  • 応用制御工学

  • 短艇実習

  • 船舶実験(汐路丸)

  • 電子機械工学ゼミナール

  • 電子機械工学入門

  • 電子機械工学実習

  • 電子機械工学実験

  • Lesson Subject(Graduate School)

    Experiment of Automatics

  • Information Control Engineering

  • Special Seminar in Marine Cybernetics

  • Research in Marine Cybernetics