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Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
Wireless Sensor Network
Computer Network
network science
Computer Network Management
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Informatics / Information network
Informatics / Computer system
Informatics / Information network
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Anomaly Detection by Monitoring Communication Volume at the Process Level of Each Host in SDN
Naoya Kitagawa, Naoki Moriyama, Kohta Ohshima , 2024.03
ICNS 2024, The Twentieth International Conference on Networking and Services
Adaptive GW Relocation and Strategic Flow Rerouting for Heterogeneous Drone Swarms
[1] Taichi MIYA, Kohta OHSHIMA, Yoshiaki KITAGUCHI, Katsunori YAMAOKA , 2023.04
IEICE Transactions on Communications
Host Migration Transparency Architecture by Cooperation between Multipath Transmission Control and VPN
Kohta Ohshima, Takehiko Kashiwagi, Yosuke Yano, Naoya Kitagawa , 2023.03
The Nineteenth International Conference on Networking and Services ICNS 2023
Autonomous Gateway Mobility Control for Heterogeneous Drone Swarms: Link Stabilizer and Path Optimizer
Taichi MIYA, Kohta OHSHIMA, Yoshiaki KITAGUCHI, Katsunori YAMAOKA , 2022.04
IEICE Transactions on Communications
Experimental Analysis of Communication Relaying Delay in Low-Energy Ad-hoc Networks
Taichi Miya,Kohta Ohshima,Yoshiaki Kitaguchi,Katsunori Yamaoka , 2021.01
2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC)
Books 【 display / non-display 】
実践による「コンピュータアーキテクチャ」~ MIPSプロセッサで学ぶアーキテクチャの基礎 ~
中條拓伯, 大島浩太 , 2014.09
サイエンス社 , 第2章 コンピュータの仕組みと機械語(コンピュータの基本構成とフォン・ノイマンアーキテクチャ命令セットと命令フォーマット ほか), 第3章 MIPSアーキテクチャとアセンブリ言語(MIPSの命令セットアセンブリ言語とプロセッサシミュレータ ほか), 第5章 メモリアーキテクチャ(キャッシュメモリ仮想記憶 ほか) , 0-0
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Heterogeneous network cooperation type multi-path communication control method at sea
Project Period (FY): 2019/04 - 2022/03 Investigator(s): 大島 浩太
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) Principal Investigator 19K11919
Project Period (FY): 2016/04 - 2019/03 Investigator(s): 大島 浩太
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) Principal Investigator 16K00138
Project Period (FY): 2012/04 - 2015/03
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B) Principal Investigator 24700060
Project Period (FY): 2009/04 - 2012/03
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists(B) Principal Investigator 21700069
Project Period (FY): 2022/04 - 2025/03 Investigator(s): 大島浩太
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) Principal Investigator 22K12008
Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display 】
Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)
Lesson Subject(Graduate School)
Mathematical Engineering
Special Seminar in Marine Cybernetics
Research in Marine Cybernetics