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Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Elucidating the rheological and thermal properties of mixed fish and pork skin gelatin gels: Effects of cooling conditions and incubation times
Lester C. Geonzon, Hazuku Takagi, Yumika Hayano, Kurt Ingar Draget, Catherine Taylor Nordgård, Shingo Matsukawa , 2024.11
Food Hydrocolloids
The effects of stem bromelain on the gelation behavior of kappa carrageenan under linear and nonlinear rheological regimes
Wilfred V. Rios, Lester C. Geonzon, Arlyn M. Roque, Ma Roxan B. Abiquibil, Mary Diane A. Pilapil, Mark Adones P. Lingaro, Hyacinth N. Suarez, Raymund Lee Antonio C. Sarmiento, Shingo Matsukawa, Rommel G. Bacabac , 2024.05
Food Hydrocolloids
Understanding the rheological properties from linear to nonlinear regimes and spatiotemporal structure of mixed kappa and reduced molecular weight lambda carrageenan gels
Lester C. Geonzon, Takato Enoki, Sanjida Humayun, Rando Tuvikene, Shingo Matsukawa, Koichi Mayumi , 2024.05
Food Hydrocolloids
Structural and physicochemical characterization of funoran extracted from Gloiopeltis furcata by different methods
Marwa E. Atya, Xi Yang, Yuri Tashiro, Rando Tuvikene, Shingo Matsukawa , 2023.11
Algal Research
Elaborating Spatiotemporal Hierarchical Structure of Carrageenan Gels and Their Mixtures during Sol–Gel Transition
Lester C. Geonzon, Kei Hashimoto, Tatsuro Oda, Shingo Matsukawa, Koichi Mayumi , 2023.10
Books 【 display / non-display 】
松川 真吾 , 2023
シーエムシー出版 , 0-0
NMR and MRI of Gels; New Developments in NMR Series; Chapter 8 NMR in Food Technology
Lester C. Geonzon, Faith Bernadette A. Descallar, Shingo Matsukawa , 2019
Royal Society of Chemistry
NMR and MRI of Gels; New Developments in NMR Series;Chapter 3: NMR Self-Diffusion Measurements in Polymer Gels
Faith Bernadette Descallar and Shingo Matsukawa , 2019
Royal Society of Chemistry
Modern Magnetic Resonance, 2nd Edition
Qiuhua Zhao, Yun Zhou, Faith B. A. Descallar and Shingo Matsukawa , 2017.02
Springer , Molecular Diffusion in Polysaccharide Gels , 0-0
Nano_Micro Science and Technology in Biorheology
Shingo Matsukawa and Tom Brenner , 2014.02
Springer , Chapter 6, Diffusion Measurements of Water and Polymers in Hydrogels by Pulsed Field Gradient NMR , 129-156
Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display 】
Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)
Physical Chemistry
Physicochemical Properties of Food
Lesson Subject(Graduate School)
Advanced Seminar in Applied Bio Engineering
Advanced Seminar in Applied Bioscience
Special Seminar in Food Science
Research in Food Science
Advanced Seminar in Advanced Food Science and Technology
Advanced Research in Advanced Food Science and Technology
Advanced Physico-chemistry of Food
Physical Chemistry in Polymer Solution