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Yazawa Ryosuke

Job title: Associate Professor
Department: Department of Marine Biosciences
Degree: Doctor
Major: 水産学


Researcher ID 産学・地域連携推進機構 研究者総覧データベース Researchmap

Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • 耐病性

  • トランスジェニックヒラメ

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Life Science / Aquatic life science


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • A novel liver-specific immunoglobulin heavy chain-like gene in a cartilaginous fish.

    Hidehiro Kondo, Haruka Kamei, Fuyuka Murotani, Reiko Nozaki, Ryosuke Yazawa, Reoto Tani, Keiichiro Koiwai, Ikuo Hirono , 2023.12

    Fish and shellfish immunology reports

  • Polymerase chain reaction-based species identification of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), blue mackerel (Scomber australasicus), and their hybrids using a species-specific InDel marker.

    Ryosuke, Y. R., Tani; Wataru, Kawamura; Onur, Eyuboglu; Tetsuro, Morita , 2023

    Fish Genetics and Breeding Science

  • Cryopreservation of testicular cell in striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and its effects on apoptosis, germ-cell specific gene expression and germ cell transplantability.

    Boonanuntanasarn, S., S. Sreebun, K. Booncherd, P. Khaosa-art, T. Sooksawat, K. Ichida, N. Pirarat and R. Yazawa , 2023


  • Fish germ cell cryobanking and transplanting for conservation.

    Wylie, M. J., J. Kitson, K. Russell, G. Yoshizaki, R. Yazawa, T. E. Steeves and M. Wellenreuther , 2023

    Molecular Ecology Resources

  • Production of albino chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) by slc45a2 knockout and the use of a positive phototaxis-based larviculture technique to overcome the lethal albino phenotype

    Wataru Kawamura, Niki Hasegawa, Akihiro Yamauchi, Takashi Kimura, Hana Yahagi, Reoto Tani, Tetsuro Morita, Ryosuke Yazawa, Goro Yoshizaki , 2022.11


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Books 【 display / non-display

  • 魚類発生学の基礎

    大久保 範聡, 吉崎 悟朗, 越田 澄人, 岩松 鷹司, 山羽 悦郎, 荒井 克俊, 橋本 寿史, 清水 貴史, 日比 正彦, 山本 直之, 田中 実, 鈴木 徹, 磯貝 純夫, 菊池 潔, 木下 政人, 亀井 保博, 小林 麻己人, 森友 忠昭, 斉藤 絵里奈, 藤田 深里, 出口 友則, 矢澤 良輔, 竹内 裕 , 2018.10

    恒星社厚生閣 , 0-0

  • 水産遺伝育種学

    片山 直人・壁谷 尚樹・竹内 裕・矢澤 良輔・吉崎 悟朗 , 2017.05

    東北大学出版会 , 215-227


    Ryosuke Yazawa , 2016.08

    Eolss Publishers Co. Ltd., , Establishment of Disease-resistant Fish , 0-0


Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display

  • Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)

    Comparative Physiology

  • Comparative Physiology laboratory

  • Practise of Marine Botany and Zoology

  • Basic Biology

  • Lesson Subject(Graduate School)

    Special Seminar in Aquatic Bioscience

  • Research in Aquatic Bioscience

  • Advanced Fish Physiology