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SAKAI Takanori

Job title: Associate Professor
Department: Department of Logistics and Information Engineering
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy
Major: Urban Planning and Policy

Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • Freight Transportation

  • Transportation and Land Use

  • Travel Behavior Analysis

  • Urban Freight

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Civil engineering plan and transportation engineering


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Does Proximity to MRT Stations Affect Online Shopping Use? An Analysis Using Data from Japan and New York

    Yusei Onuma,Takanori Sakai, Tetsuro Hyodo , 2024.09

    Urban Science

  • Development of an Online Daily Goods Shopping Demand Model using Internet-Based Consumption Behavior Survey Data

    Riki Motojima, Takanori Sakai, Tetsuro Hyodo , 2024.08

    Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board

  • Locations of Logistics Facilities for E-commerce: a Case of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area

    Takanori Sakai, Kohei Santo, Shinya Tanaka, Tetsuro Hyodo , 2024.08

    Research in Transportation Business & Management

  • The Relationship between the Spatial Distribution of Mega-scale Logistics Facilities and Associated Freight Traffic

    Takanori Sakai, Virgilio Ma. Ramos Jr., Tetsuro Hyodo , 2024.07

    Transportation Research Procedia

  • The Evolution of Urban Freight Generation: a Study of Intra- and Inter-City Truck Trips

    Yurika Takano, Takanori Sakai, Tetsuro Hyodo , 2024.07

    Transportation Research Procedia

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • トラック輸送イノベーションが解決する物流危機

    兵藤 哲朗, 根本 敏則, 稲庭 暢 , 利部 智 , 後藤 孝夫 , 坂井 孝典 , 坂野 花菜子 , 田邉 肇 , 西峯 洋平 , 平田 輝満 , 味水 佑毅, 山本 隆, 渡部 大輔 , 2024.03

    成山堂書店 , p99-111, p127-140

  • The Routledge Handbook of Urban Logistics

    Takanori Sakai, Adrien Beziat, Adeline Heitz , 2023.06

    Routledge , Facility Locations in Urban Logistics , 0-0

  • Handbook on City Logistics and Urban Freight

    Takanori Sakai, Peiyu Jing, André Romano Alho, Ravi Seshadri, Moshe Ben-Akiva , 2023.06

    Edward Elgar , Evaluating city logistics solutions with agent-based microsimulation , 0-0

  • Handbook on Transport and Land Use

    André Romano Alho, Takanori Sakai, Giacomo Dalla Chiara , 2023.05

    Edward Elgar , New urban freight developments and land use , 0-0

  • Urban Informatics

    André Romano Alho, Takanori Sakai, Fang Zhao, Linlin You, Peiyu Jing, Lynette Cheah, Chris Zegras, Moshe Ben-Akiva , 2021

    Springer , Laboratories for Freight Research , 0-0


Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display

  • Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)


  • 交通計画学

  • 流通基盤計画学

  • 流通情報工学ゼミナールⅡ

  • 流通情報工学演習

  • Lesson Subject(Graduate School)

    Advanced Transportation Planning

  • Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • Exercise of Regional Planning

  • Special Seminar in Logistics System Engineering

  • Research in Logistics System Engineering

  • Marine Science Seminar Ⅰ

  • Marine Science Seminar Ⅱ