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SAKAI Takanori
Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
Freight Transportation
Transportation and Land Use
Travel Behavior Analysis
Urban Freight
Research Areas 【 display / non-display 】
Social Infrastructure (Civil Engineering, Architecture, Disaster Prevention) / Civil engineering plan and transportation engineering
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Does Proximity to MRT Stations Affect Online Shopping Use? An Analysis Using Data from Japan and New York
Yusei Onuma,Takanori Sakai, Tetsuro Hyodo , 2024.09
Urban Science
Development of an Online Daily Goods Shopping Demand Model using Internet-Based Consumption Behavior Survey Data
Riki Motojima, Takanori Sakai, Tetsuro Hyodo , 2024.08
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
Locations of Logistics Facilities for E-commerce: a Case of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area
Takanori Sakai, Kohei Santo, Shinya Tanaka, Tetsuro Hyodo , 2024.08
Research in Transportation Business & Management
The Relationship between the Spatial Distribution of Mega-scale Logistics Facilities and Associated Freight Traffic
Takanori Sakai, Virgilio Ma. Ramos Jr., Tetsuro Hyodo , 2024.07
Transportation Research Procedia
The Evolution of Urban Freight Generation: a Study of Intra- and Inter-City Truck Trips
Yurika Takano, Takanori Sakai, Tetsuro Hyodo , 2024.07
Transportation Research Procedia
Books 【 display / non-display 】
兵藤 哲朗, 根本 敏則, 稲庭 暢 , 利部 智 , 後藤 孝夫 , 坂井 孝典 , 坂野 花菜子 , 田邉 肇 , 西峯 洋平 , 平田 輝満 , 味水 佑毅, 山本 隆, 渡部 大輔 , 2024.03
成山堂書店 , p99-111, p127-140
The Routledge Handbook of Urban Logistics
Takanori Sakai, Adrien Beziat, Adeline Heitz , 2023.06
Routledge , Facility Locations in Urban Logistics , 0-0
Handbook on City Logistics and Urban Freight
Takanori Sakai, Peiyu Jing, André Romano Alho, Ravi Seshadri, Moshe Ben-Akiva , 2023.06
Edward Elgar , Evaluating city logistics solutions with agent-based microsimulation , 0-0
Handbook on Transport and Land Use
André Romano Alho, Takanori Sakai, Giacomo Dalla Chiara , 2023.05
Edward Elgar , New urban freight developments and land use , 0-0
Urban Informatics
André Romano Alho, Takanori Sakai, Fang Zhao, Linlin You, Peiyu Jing, Lynette Cheah, Chris Zegras, Moshe Ben-Akiva , 2021
Springer , Laboratories for Freight Research , 0-0
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Development of Value Flow Calibration Method Combining Two Transportation Census Data
Project Period (FY): 2024/04 - 2027/03 Investigator(s): 兵藤 哲朗
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C) Co-Investigator 24K07697
Implementation of an agent-based urban freight model and simulation analysis
Project Period (FY): 2023/04 - 2026/03 Investigator(s): 坂井孝典
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists Principal Investigator 23K13421
Modeling the supply side for the analysis of E-commerce-driven transportation
Project Period (FY): 2021/08 - 2023/03 Investigator(s): 坂井 孝典
Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up Principal Investigator 21K20445
Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display 】
Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)
Lesson Subject(Graduate School)
Advanced Transportation Planning
Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Exercise of Regional Planning
Special Seminar in Logistics System Engineering
Research in Logistics System Engineering
Marine Science Seminar Ⅰ
Marine Science Seminar Ⅱ