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NODA Akira

Job title: Professor
Department: Department of Marine Resources and Energy


Researcher ID OACIS著者情報


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Codend Selectivity for Dominant Four Species in Trawl Catch on the Continental Slope of the East China Sea

    Tokai Tadashi, Shiode Daisuke, Hattori Akira, Mahjoub Mohamed Salah, Uchida Keiichi, Noda Akira, Hayashi Toshifumi, Miyazaki Tadashi , 2023.06

    Journal of Fisheries Engineering


  • Sampling Performance of COC-MOHT for Lantern Fish (Myctophidae)

    ZHU Yuanyuan, SHIODE Daisuke, HU Fuxiang, HAMADA Hiroaki, NODA Akira, TOKAI Tadashi , 2018

    Journal of Fisheries Engineering


  • 東京湾口海底峡谷における濁度の季節変動

    柳 哲雄、石丸 隆、峰 雄二、喜多澤 彰、野田 明 , 1999.01


  • 長期航海実習における学生の健康管理に関する研究 1.活動量と体組成および循環動態

    村松園江、伊勢田涼子、高須康介、栗田嘉宥、原田三紀夫、林 敏史、萩田隆一、峰 雄二、野田 明、春日 功 , 1999.01


    OACIS Paper URL

  • Hydrography in the RSA during the RT/V Umitaka-Maru Cruises

    J. Yoshida, M. Matsuyama, T. Senjyu, T. Ishimaru,T. Morinaga, H. Arakawa, A. Kamatani, M. Maeda, A. Otsuki, S. Hashimoto, I. Kasuga, Y. Koike, Y. Mine, Y. Kurita, A. Kitazawa, A. Noda, T. Hayashi, T. Miyazaki, K. Takahashi , 1998.01

    Offshore Environment of the ROPME Sea Area after the War-Related Oil Spill.

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Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display

  • Lesson Subject(Advanced Course)


  • Ship Safety Manoeuvering

  • Marine Radio Cmmunication