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Job title: Professor
Department: Department of Ocean Sciences
Degree: Doctor
Major: 水産学


Researcher ID 産学・地域連携推進機構 研究者総覧データベース Researchmap

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Life Science / Ecology and environment

  • Life Science / Biodiversity and systematics


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Occurrence patterns of larval mesopelagic fishes in the mouth of highly eutrophic Tokyo Bay, central Japan

    Rio Nagaiwa, Aiko Tachibana, Masato Moteki , 2023

    Journal of Oceanography

  • Fecal Pellet-like Gyrodinium Species in Sinking Particles: Newly Found Potential Contributors for Carbon Export in the Antarctic Seasonal Ice Zone

    R. Matsuda, R. Makabe, M. Sano, S. Takao, M. Moteki, and N. Kurosawa , 2023

    Journal of Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences

  • Biological responses to change in Antarctic sea ice habitats

    Kerrie M. Swadling, Andrew J. Constable, Alexander D Fraser, Robert A Massom, Melanie D Borup, Laura Ghigliotti, Antonia Granata, Letterio Guglielmo, So Kawaguchi, Fraser Kennedy, Rainer Kiko, Philippe Koubbi, Ryosuke Makabe, Andrew Martin, Andrew Mcminn, Masato Moteki, Evgeny A. Pakhomov, Ilka Peeken, Jody R Reimer, Phillip Reid, Ken G Ryan, Marino Vacchi, Patti Virtue, Christine K Weldrick, Pat Wongpan and Simon Wotherspoon , 2023

    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

  • Myctobase, a circumpolar database of mesopelagic fishes for new insights into deep pelagic prey fields

    Briannyn Woods, Rowan Trebilco, Andrea Walters, Mark Hindell, Guy Duhamel, Hauke Flores, Masato Moteki, Patrice Pruvost, Christian Reiss, Ryan Saunders, Caroline Sutton, Yi-Ming Gan, and Anton Van de Putte , 2022

    Scientific Data

  • 南極海生態系研究の現状と課題-炭素循環と低次生産者の視点から

    茂木正人・真壁竜介・高尾信太郎 , 2018.10


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Books 【 display / non-display

  • 低温環境の科学事典

    茂木正人 , 2016.09

    朝倉書店 , 4-10 南極海の魚のこども、そのくらし , 116-117

  • 日本産稚魚図鑑,第二版

    茂木正人、木下 泉 , 2014.09

    東海大学出版会 , シマガツオ科. , 806-815

  • しぜん―キンダーブック

    茂木正人(指導) , 2011.10

    フレーベル館 , 2011年8月号 , 0-0

  • しぜん―キンダーブック「干潟」

    茂木正人(監修) , 2011.09

    フレーベル館 , 監修 , 0-0

  • 食材魚貝大百科 別巻2「サケ・マスのすべて」(監修・編:井田 齊・河野 博・茂木正人)

    茂木正人ほか , 2007.10

    平凡社 , 0-0

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Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display

  • Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)

    Marine Biology Ⅲ

  • Marine Biology, Laboratory Experiments Ⅲ

  • Lesson Subject(Graduate School)

    Special Seminar in Ocean Sciences

  • Research in Ocean Sciences

  • Advanced Fish Biology