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Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Evaluation of the effects of stock enhancement on population dynamics using a state-space production model: A case study of Japanese flounder in the Seto Inland Sea
Zhen Lin, Toshihide Kitakado, Naoki Suzuki, Shin-ichi Ito , 2022.07
Fisheries Research
Further analyses of clockwise loops and anticlockwise loops observed in a stock-recruitment relationship
Kei Tanaka,Naoki Suzuki,Kazumi Sakuramoto , 2021.03
Open Access Library Journal
東京湾三番瀬におけるホンビノスガイ Mercenaria mercenaria の成長曲線
鈴木直樹,松本梨里 , 2021.03
清水さや子, 横田賢史,内田圭一,鈴木直樹,戸田勝善 , 2019.09
A protocol for the analysis of aquatic biodiversity by multiple β diversities
Masashi Yokota, Jungo Takeda, Naoki Suzuki, Kazumi Sakuramoto , 2018.10
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Books 【 display / non-display 】
鈴木直樹 , 2012.10
講談社サイエンティフィック , 資源動態解析の理論 , 109-110
鈴木直樹 , 2003.02
成山堂書店 , 第12章:水産資源の管理と最適化問題 , 278-295
Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display 】
Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)
Introduction to Data Science A
Introduction to Data Science B
Freshman Seminar
Marine Ecology Ⅱ
Forefront of Marine Biology
Lesson Subject(Graduate School)
Special Seminar in Marine Utilization and Management
Special Research in Marine Utilization and Management
General View on Marin Utilization and Management
Marine Biological Resource Ecology
Marine Ecosystem Management