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ISHII Haruto
Research Interests 【 display / non-display 】
Marine Ecology
Tokyo Bay
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Ingestion and growth rates of Aurelia coerulea polyps fed naturally occurring copepods as food
Haruto Ishii and Yoko Takahashi , 2021.12
Sessile Organisms
Community structures and changes in the abundance of hydrozoans and ctenophores in the innermost part of Tokyo Bay
Nobuyo Matsushima, Maito Kato, Atsuki Nakamura and Haruto Ishii , 2021.09
Bulletin of the plankton society of Japan
Effects of deep seawater on the growth of the rhyzostome jellyfish Mastigias papua
Haruto Ishii, Jun Shiraishi, Sakie Nakai, Marie Watanabe, Katsuhisa Yamada and Michiyasu Nomura , 2020.11
Deep Ocean Water Research
鈴木健太郎・熊倉恵美・遠藤紀之・石井晴人・野方靖行 , 2017.09
Mechanisms underlying heterogeneous distribution of moon jellyfish Aurelia aurita s. l. across a sharp pycnocline
K. Suzuki, Y. Niida, T. Tsubono, H. Takimoto, E. Kumakura, H. Ishii and Y. Nogata , 2017.09
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Universe of the jellyfish
Haruto Ishii , 2019.11
Kouseisha Kouseikaku , all , 1-152
石井晴人 , 2017.11
生物研究社 , 東京湾におけるミズクラゲのポリプのコロニー , 67-71
東京湾 人と自然のかかわりの再生
石井晴人 , 2011.09
恒星社厚生閣 , クラゲ類 , 134-136
石井晴人、秋保太郎、松田宗平 , 2007.09
成山堂書店 , ゼラチン質プランクトン , 194-217
鮎貝天志、石井晴人 , 1989.01
恒星社厚生閣 , カイアシ類の摂食 , 49-71
Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display 】
Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)
Marine Ecology Ⅰ
Lesson Subject(Graduate School)
Advanced Seminar in Marine Ecosystem Studies
Special Seminar in Ocean Sciences
Research in Ocean Sciences
Advanced Marine Ecology
Advanced Seminar in Ocean Science and Technology
Environmental Ecology
Advanced Seminar in Industrial Policy and Culture