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ISHII Haruto

Job title: Associate Professor
Department: Department of Ocean Sciences
Degree: Doctor
Major: Life Science / Aquatic bioproduction science


Researcher ID 産学・地域連携推進機構 研究者総覧データベース Researchmap

Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • Plankton

  • Jellyfish

  • Marine Ecology

  • Tokyo Bay


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Effects of water temperature and food concentration on polyps of Aurelia malayensis around the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, Japan

    Sarasa Nagatsuka , 2024.12

    Plankton Benthos Research

  • Ingestion and growth rates of Aurelia coerulea polyps fed naturally occurring copepods as food

    Haruto Ishii and Yoko Takahashi , 2021.12

    Sessile Organisms

  • Community structures and changes in the abundance of hydrozoans and ctenophores in the innermost part of Tokyo Bay

    Nobuyo Matsushima, Maito Kato, Atsuki Nakamura and Haruto Ishii , 2021.09

    Bulletin of the plankton society of Japan

  • Effects of deep seawater on the growth of the rhyzostome jellyfish Mastigias papua

    Haruto Ishii, Jun Shiraishi, Sakie Nakai, Marie Watanabe, Katsuhisa Yamada and Michiyasu Nomura , 2020.11

    Deep Ocean Water Research

  • 日本沿岸4海域におけるミズクラゲ集群の鉛直分布に及ぼす水塊構造の影響

    鈴木健太郎・熊倉恵美・遠藤紀之・石井晴人・野方靖行 , 2017.09


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Books 【 display / non-display

  • Universe of the jellyfish

    Haruto Ishii , 2019.11

    Kouseisha Kouseikaku , all , 1-152

  • クラゲ類の生態学的研究

    石井晴人 , 2017.11

    生物研究社 , 東京湾におけるミズクラゲのポリプのコロニー , 67-71

  • 東京湾 人と自然のかかわりの再生

    石井晴人 , 2011.09

    恒星社厚生閣 , クラゲ類 , 134-136

  • 海洋プランクトン生態学

    石井晴人、秋保太郎、松田宗平 , 2007.09

    成山堂書店 , ゼラチン質プランクトン , 194-217

  • 生物海洋学-低次食段階論

    鮎貝天志、石井晴人 , 1989.01

    恒星社厚生閣 , カイアシ類の摂食 , 49-71


Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display

  • Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)

    Marine Ecology Ⅰ

  • Lesson Subject(Graduate School)

    Advanced Seminar in Marine Ecosystem Studies

  • Special Seminar in Ocean Sciences

  • Research in Ocean Sciences

  • Advanced Marine Ecology

  • Advanced Seminar in Ocean Science and Technology

  • Environmental Ecology

  • Advanced Seminar in Industrial Policy and Culture