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ENDO Hideaki

Job title: Professor
Department: Department of Ocean Sciences
Degree: Doctor
Major: 工学

Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • Biosensor

  • Biosensing

  • 生体計測

  • 魚類

  • ストレス応答

Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Life Science / Aquatic life science

  • Life Science / Aquatic bioproduction science

  • Manufacturing Technology (Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chemical Engineering) / Measurement engineering

  • Life Science / Applied biochemistry


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Real-time glucose monitoring biosensor system assesses the effects of different environmental light colors on Nile tilapia stress response

    Tengyu Liu, Haiyun Wu, Masataka Murata, Haruto Matsumoto, Hitoshi Ohnuki & Hideaki Endo , 2024.06

    Fisheries Science

  • Expanding Applicability of Wireless Biosensor System for Monitoring Fish Stress Response through Abdominal Interstitial Fluid

    Chihiro Morita,Haiyun Wu,Atsuki Takizawa,Masataka Murata, Haruto Matsumoto, Hitoshi Ohnuki, Hideaki Endo , 2023.08

    Sensors and Materials

  • Modification of the oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay and its application in evaluating the total antioxidative state in fish

    T. Nakano, S. Hayashi, Y. Ochiai, H. Shirakawa, H. Wu, H. Endo, H. Yu , 2022.10

    Advances in Redox Research

  • A novel interactive biosensor system for real-time remote stress response monitoring and visualization by using bi-directional data link

    H. Wu, K. Yamada, M. Murata, H. Matsumoto, H. Ohnuki, H. Endo , 2022.05

    Biosens. Bioelecton.:X

  • Toward a Practical Impedimetric Biosensor: A Micro-Gap Parallel Plate Electrode Structure That Suppresses Unexpected Device-to-Device Variations

    H. Honda, Y. Kusaka, H. Wu, H. Endo, D. Tsuya, H. Ohnuki , 2022.04

    ACS Omega

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • テレワーク社会を支えるリモートセンシング

    遠藤英明, 呉 海云 , 2021.04

    シーエムシー出版 , 第18章 魚の体調センシング , 0-0

  • 酵素トランスデューサーと酵素技術展開~ウエアラブルIoTのためのリアルタイム酵素センシング編

    遠藤英明,呉 海云 , 2020

    シーエムシー出版書籍 , バイオセンサによる魚類のストレス応答の可視化 , 44-51


    H. Wu and H. Endo , 2016.03

    Royal Society of Chemistry , Biosensor systems for the monitoring of fish health and freshness in aquaculture (Chapter 18) , 414-431

  • バイオセンサの先端科学技術と新製品への応用開発,技術情報協会編

    遠藤英明 , 2014.03

    技術情報協会 , 第9章第9節「バイオセンサによる迅速・簡便な魚類の健康診断~さかなドックの創出に向けて~」 , 377-382

  • 生物学辞典

    石川統 他 編 , 2010.05

    東京化学同仁 , 用語解説のため無し , 1006p, 1008p

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Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display

  • Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)


  • Chemistry: Fundamental Experiments

  • Graduation Thesis

  • Forefront of Marine Biology

  • Marine Chemical Biology and Biotechnology Ⅰ

  • Environmental and Biological Chemistry Experiments

  • Lesson Subject(Graduate School)

    Special Seminar in Ocean Sciences

  • Research in Ocean Sciences

  • Advanced Application of Biological Function

  • Application of biocatalysis for aquatic environment