関連リンク |
内野 明子 (ウチノ アキコ) UCHINO Akiko
論文 【 表示 / 非表示 】
A Study of Applying Quantitative Assessment of Workload to Maritime Traffic Conditions
Nanase Okada, Akiko Uchino , 2024年06月
Proceedings of 21th ACMSSR (Asian Conference on Marine Safety and System Research)
Study on Range of Lookout for Decreasing Workload on Officers
Akiko Uchino, Hiroaki Kobayashi , 2023年08月
Proceedings of 20th ACMSSR (Asian Conference on Marine Safety and System Research)
Study on VHF Communication with Approaching Vessel for Avoiding Collisions
Nanase Okada, Akiko Uchino , 2023年08月
Proceedings of 20th ACMSSR (Asian Conference on Marine Safety and System Research)
Determining Factors on Starting Action to Avoid Collisions with an Approaching Vessel
Yuki Okita, Akiko Uchino and Hiroaki Kobayashi , 2019年08月
Proceedings of 19th ACMSSR (Asian Conference on Marine Safety and System Research) , 19 , 31 - 37
Estimating Workload and Its Application for Assessment of Traffic Situations
Akiko Uchino and Hiroaki Kobayashi , 2019年08月
Proceedings of 19th ACMSSR (Asian Conference on Marine Safety and System Research) , 19 , 39 - 46
著書 【 表示 / 非表示 】
2001〜02年版 最新 機電・情報用語辞典
三森照彦、新井孝英、伊藤周三、遠藤正樹、嵯峨常生、松澤和夫、朝比奈奎一、内野明子、中西祐二、西村惟之、井上徹、柴年彦、寺崎健、原一之、吉澤昌純、小林弘幸、吉田健、石田良男 , 2000年10月
技術評論社 , 0-0