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Job title: Professor
Department: Department of Maritime Systems Engineering
Degree: Doctor
Major: 工学


Researcher ID OACIS著者情報


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Fault detection in robust control by using disturbance observer and test signals

    Taichi Yuyama, Ibuki Tsuji, Kana Shikada, Noboru Sebe, Koichi Suyama , 2025.01

    Proceedings of the 2025 Australian and New Zealand Control Conference

  • Switching L2 gain for evaluating the fluctuations around an output of a specified transfer property

    Koichi Suyama, Noboru Sebe , 2024.06

    Proceedings of the 22nd European Control Conference


  • Dependability management of control systems via controller design

    Koichi Suyama, Rinka Miura, Noboru Sebe , 2023.07

    Proceedings of the 22nd IFAC World Congress

  • Support technology for preventive maintenance of control systems based on fail-soft concept

    Koichi Suyama, Noboru Sebe , 2023.07

    Proceedings of the 22nd IFAC World Congress

  • Switching L2 gain for analyzing successive system switches

    Koichi Suyama, Noboru Sebe , 2023.06

    Proceedings of the 21st European Control Conference

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • 新版 信頼性ハンドブック

    陶山貢市 , 2014.09

    日科技連出版社 , 第IV部第13章「高信頼性制御設計理論」 , 503-506

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

  • フェイルソフトに基づく制御システムの緊急時対応技術

    Project Period (FY): 2024/04  -  2027/03  Investigator(s): 陶山 貢市

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)  Principal Investigator  24K07536 

  • フェイルソフトに基づく制御システムのメンテナンス時の稼働状態の移行過程設計

    Project Period (FY): 2021/04  -  2025/03  Investigator(s): 陶山貢市

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)  Principal Investigator  21K04118 

  • Support technology for safe preventive maintenance of control systems

    Project Period (FY): 2017/04  -  2021/03  Investigator(s): Koichi Suyama

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)  Principal Investigator  17K06488 

  • Dependability evaluation and management of control systems for possible publication in international standards

    Project Period (FY): 2014/04  -  2017/03  Investigator(s): Koichi Suyama

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)  Principal Investigator  26420410 

    Since there are the varieties in structures and functions of control systems, it is difficult to analyze their dependability according to international standards. In this research, we use the LFT description of control systems in order to absorb the variety of system structures and an idea of "available states" on state-transition diagrams used in continuous-time Markov analysis in order to absorb the variety of designed control functions. We then establish a general framework of availability analysis of control systems according to IEC standards, which is based on continuous-time Markov analysis and gives the value of steady state availability as the analysis result. It enables us to quantitatively evaluate fault tolerance of control systems in various application areas, and thus it succeeds in improving the practicality of fault-tolerant control.

  • New technology from Japan for realization of safety function against deviations from normal operating-range in control laws according to international standards

    Project Period (FY): 2010/04  -  2014/03  Investigator(s): Koichi Suyama

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)  Principal Investigator  22560440 

    This research clarified safety function in control laws to reduce the frequency of events that a physical value in a control system deviates from its normal operating-range. The deviations can be caused not only by system destabilization but also by fluctuations of transient responses. In order to quantitatively establish the contribution of the safety function in control laws for risk reduction, this research established a quantitative assessment framework for obtaining the frequency of the deviations by using a performance index for the fluctuations of transient responses. Furthermore, this research also established a realization framework for the safety function in control laws, which can supplement ordinary safety-related systems in risk reduction according to international safety standards such as IEC 61508.

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Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display

  • Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)


  • 制御工学

  • 卒業研究

  • 安全管理学

  • 機関システム工学概論

  • 海事システム工学ゼミナールⅠ

  • 海事システム工学ゼミナールⅡ

  • 海事システム工学ゼミナールⅢ

  • 海事システム工学実験演習Ⅲ

  • 海事システム工学実験演習Ⅳ

  • 海事システム工学実験演習Ⅴ

  • 海事システム工学概論

  • 船舶実習Ⅰ

  • 船舶実習Ⅱ

  • 船舶実習Ⅲ

  • Lesson Subject(Graduate School)

    System Safety Experiment

  • Functional Safety Engineering

  • Fault-tolerant Control