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HAMASAKI Katsuyuki

Job title: Professor
Department: Department of Marine Biosciences
Degree: Doctor
Major: 農学


Researcher ID 産学・地域連携推進機構 研究者総覧データベース Researchmap

Research Interests 【 display / non-display

  • Life history

  • Conservation Ecology

  • Aquaculture

  • Aquatic invertebtates

  • 行動生態

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Research Areas 【 display / non-display

  • Environmental Science/Agriculture Science / Environmental impact assessment

  • Life Science / Aquatic bioproduction science


Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Upper temperature and salinity tolerance of six freshwater shrimp species in the genera Caridina and Paratya (Decapoda: Caridea: Atyidae).

    Shinnosuke Kobayashi, Katsuyuki Hamasaki, and Shigeki Dan , 2024.09


  • Body colour variation of juveniles within a single brood of the varunid crab Gaetice depressus (Decapoda: Brachyura: Varunidae)

    Yuji Takeda, Takumi Kinoshita, Shigeki Dan, and Katsuyuki Hamasaki , 2024.09

    Crustacean Research

  • Ontogeny of predatory capacity and prey choice during early life of the holobenthic octopus Amphioctopus fangsiao (d’Orbigny, 1841): switching prey-choice strategy

    Nozomi Awa, Shigeki Dan, Kota Nagatsuka, Yumiko Sekiguchi, Ayako Shimba, Yuji Anaguchi, Yoshinori Kamei, and Katsuyuki Hamasaki , 2024.09

    Marine Biology

  • Dietary protein requirement of purple mud crab, Scylla tranquebarica during the megalopa-crab instar stages

    Noorsyarinah Sanudin, Fui Yin Thien, Katsuyuki Hamasaki, Rossita Shapawi, and Annita Seok Kian Yong , 2024.08

    Fisheries Science

  • Hitchhiking on drifting seaweed reduces predation risk in juveniles of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus

    Satoshi Takeshima, Shigeki Dan, and Katsuyuki Hamasaki , 2024.07


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Books 【 display / non-display

  • 栽培漁業の変遷と技術開発-その成果と展望

    濱崎活幸、團重樹ほか36名 , 2021.09


  • エビ・カニの疑問50

    浜崎活幸ほか , 2017

    成山堂書店 , Q2ヤシガニってカニの仲間ですか?(p.4-6),Q22養殖されているエビやカニはどのくらいいるの?(p.62-64)

  • 水産海洋ハンドブック 第3版

    浜崎活幸 , 2016.09

    生物研究社 , 第5章生物生産「5.2 増殖の方法」「5.5種類別主要魚介類生産法、5.5.5甲殻類、5.5.6その他の水産動物」 , 0-0

  • 改訂水産海洋ハンドブック

    浜崎活幸 , 2012.03

    生物研究社 , 第5章 生物生産,5.5.5(322-326)甲殻類,5.5.7その他(334-336) , 0-0

  • 最新水産ハンドブック

    浜崎活幸 , 2012.03

    講談社 , 第3章:水産増養殖、3.4.7 カニ類 , 0-0

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Lesson Subject 【 display / non-display

  • Lesson Subject(Undergraduate)


  • Fishery Stock Enhancement and Conservation

  • Field Study of Ecology

  • Graduation Thesis

  • Marine Zoology

  • Internship in Marine Biosciences

  • Lesson Subject(Graduate School)

    Advanced Stock Enhancement Biology

  • Advanced Research in Applied Bioscience

  • Special Seminar in Fisheries Biology

  • Research in Fisheries Biology

  • Bioresources Conservation and Management